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Excel cell contents not visible – but show in formula bar and print preview

I recently had a problem with Excel 2007 where the cell contents did not show.  I could see the contents in Print Preview and in the formula bar

Research via goggle showed me that it was likely to be caused by Wrapped Text on Merged Cells.  I didn’t have Merged cells, but I did have wrapped text.  I was able to see the contents again if I

  • used the ToolBar and did Clear – All formats. 

This is nice, but I need it formatted.  It is a standard worksheet used by the entire organization.

More oddities

  • Other users could open and view the contents on their laptops
  • I could see the contents when I didn’t have my laptop docked
  • It worked for months and then just quit working one day.

The fix (thanks Jennifer!)

  • Changing the font size, changing the monitor resolution did NOT fix the problem
  • Remove the laptop from the dock, boot the machine and delete the dock profile, redock the machine and let a new profile be created.  Problem cleared.

Not sure what was in the profile causing the problem, but I hope it doesn’t come back.

This article is part of the GWB Archives. Original Author: Geekette’s Blogette

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